One lonely morning in the winter of 2003, after deciding that careers in space exploration or professional racecar driving might be a bit on the dangerous side, I instead opted to direct my efforts into something that would very quickly become my one true passion: storytelling through art.
Greetings, my name is Bolu Oriowo and for more than a decade I have been using my artistic abilities to craft characters, worlds and stories for others to experience. Be it through animation, comics, storyboards or even illustrations, constructing entertaining narratives has long been a passion of mine, and it is through this portfolio website that I would like to share that passion with others.
During your exploration of this website, be sure to take a look through storyboard and comic pages to see my own unique approach to the sequential arts. You may also take the time to read my two short webcomics, Godrilla and Going Native.
You may even want to take a look at my fantasy/adventure graphic novel, Letters from Midia.
Additionally, be sure to visit my twitter, instagram and youtube profiles, where I frequently share art, animations and the progress that I have made on my many projects.
Lastly, for all employment and freelance inquiries, be sure to fill out the form on my contact page, after which I will be certain to get back to you shortly.